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Public Adjusting


Property owners turn to BPA to obtain a fair settlement from their insurance companies. We represent both residential and commercial property owners, working to obtain the maximum possible compensation for your loss.

Why do I need a Public Adjuster?


When you submit a claim, you should know that you are dealing with the expert of the insurance company who is fully trained to minimize your damages, not the adjusters. The adjusters minimize the damage by emphasizing cost savings measures. BPA is your best ally. Don’t settle for anything less than what you’re entitled to. BPA will negotiate the highest settlement possible for all your insurance claims whether your property is residential, commercial, or a vacation home.


How are we different From Other Companies?


Whenever you contact BPA about a property claim, we send out a professional claims representative to assess your damages and to evaluate your policy. Our staff of insurance experts diligently analyze your policy. Our on-site legal counsel is always available for consultation and to resolve legal issues.


Often clients settle for less because of hidden details in their policy. The cards are stacked against them. We even the playing field by putting a trained, professional adjuster on your side, working to negotiate the largest settlement possible for your loss.


BPA can help you recover the maximum possible settlement for your property loss. Don’t fight the professionals without getting help from BPA. Ask for a free, no-obligation property inspection today.


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